Sport and physical activity is a key component of the curriculum at Endeavour and all of our students actively take part in these activities.
As a school, we value and accept sport as a cornerstone to the development of a student’s social, physical, emotional and moral learning. It is an expression of our culture, a form of participation and enjoyment, and an opportunity to develop and refine skills.
Students have the opportunity to represent Endeavour at various inter-school sporting competitions. As a NSW public school we benefit from the opportunities for shared activities and competitions with other schools, coordinated by school sport associations.
Sport takes place every Thursday afternoon. Some of the sports offered include:
- Basketball
- Mountain bike riding
- Golf
- Soccer
- School sport
- Touch Football
- Trampolining
- Girls Fitness
- Flipout
- Tennis
- Volleyball
Most sports involve a cost. This covers the fee for both the venue and transport. The fee is usually between $8-$10.