Year 12 Year Adviser: Mr J Richardson
Year 12 Deputy Principal: Ms N Jebeile
Year 12 is a busy time for students as they study for the Higher School Certificate and make plans for life after school.
HSC support
A range of online resources is available to help students and parents understand the HSC and prepare for assessment and examinations.
- Year 12 students can set up their personal profile on NSW students online and access support materials including the HSC exam timetable and answers to frequently asked questions about the HSC
- students can prepare for the final exams by looking at past HSC exam papers.
Balancing commitments
This year it’s more important than ever for students to balance commitments between their school, social and family life.
After Year 12
It’s a good idea for your child to start thinking about careers that suit their interests and abilities as early as possible. You may like to talk with the careers adviser and research options together.
Resources, such as the following sites, are readily available:
- MyFuture
- JobJump
- The Careers Department
- HuddleCo
Future study and training options
For students considering continuing with study, visiting the following links can help them make an informed decision:
Year 12 – what next?
- Training and industry
- Apprenticeships and traineeships
- Going to careers markets and open days are also good ways to find out what’s on offer
- Job searching – these websites list job vacancies and apprenticeship and traineeships opportunities:
- NSW government jobs
- Australian JobSearch
- CareerOne
Helping Your Child Learn
These online resources are designed to help Year 12 students prepare for major assessment tasks and final exams for the HSC.
Study and Exams
Students can learn specific techniques for study and exam preparation and sharpen their written and oral skills.
HSC: all my own work
Advice on making sure HSC work is original and is properly referenced.
Past HSC exam papers
Completing past HSC exam papers can help your child prepare for the real exams at the end of the year.
HSC dates and events
Find out all of the key HSC dates and timetables for this year.
HSC advice line
Students Online is a source of information for students about study from Year 10 to the HSC. Students can register for an account to access past papers and their enrolment details, assessment rankings and HSC results.